September 2024 IllinoisCAN Newsletter

Illinois College Access Network

Illinois College Access Network Newsletter

September 2024

Welcome to IllinoisCAN's monthly newsletter.

The mission of IllinoisCAN is to improve postsecondary access and success for low-income and first-generation college students in Illinois. IllinoisCAN builds the capacity and effectiveness of college access organizations to help students reach their goals. IllinoisCAN monthly newsletters are intended to be for us and by us – professionals around the state working to improve college access.

In this issue:
Family Action Network (FAN) Events

ISAC is pleased to continue sponsorship of the Family Action Network (FAN) events, which are always free and open to the public. FAN curates a high-quality speakers series presenting fresh ideas that elevate minds and expand hearts to help create an informed and compassionate community. The upcoming events sponsored by ISAC this month include:
  • Dismantling Mass Incarceration: A Handbook for Change featuring Premal Dharia, James Forman Jr., and Maria Hawilo, September 19 at 7 p.m. on Zoom
  • Class Dismissed: When Colleges Ignore Inequality and Students Pay The Price featuring Dr. Anthony Abraham Jack, September 25, 7 p.m. on Zoom
  • Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness featuring Dr. Jamil Zaki, September 26 at 7 p.m. on Zoom
  • Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net featuring Dr. Jessica Calarco, September 30 at 7 p.m. on Zoom
If you're not able to attend a scheduled in-person or virtual (Zoom) FAN event, all events are recorded. Visit the FAN website to view the library of past events and recordings.

Center for First-generation Student Success Becomes Independent Organization Under New Brand – FirstGen Forward

"The Center for First-generation Student Success today announced that it has become an independent nonprofit organization under a new brand: FirstGen Forward.

"FirstGen Forward is the only organization solely focused on creating transformational change for college students whose parents or guardians do not yet have a bachelor's degree (FirstGen students). Partnering with a growing network of colleges, universities, and other allies, FirstGen Forward works with higher ed institutions to develop innovative strategies, redesign systems, promote cultures, and take actions to serve the unique needs of FirstGen students."

Read the press release at

An Early Look at Diversity Post-Affirmative Action

"Colleges are slowly releasing demographic data for the Class of 2028, giving a glimpse of the Supreme Court ruling's impact on racial diversity. The results are decidedly mixed."

Read the article at

Redesigning College Admissions

"Colleges and universities are facing a demographic shift now dubbed the 'enrollment cliff.' Concerns over a decline in the number of traditional age students has led some institutions to rethink admissions processes. Lumina Foundation's Melanie Heath joins Rathi Sudhakara from the Washington Student Achievement Council and Jonathan Gagliardi from Northern Arizona University to discuss innovative new practices and policies."

Listen to the podcast at

Common App Shows Growth, Particularly Among Minority Applicants

"The number of first-year college applicants grew across the board during the 2023–24 application cycle, according to the latest end-of-season report from the Common App. Over all, about 1.43 million distinct applicants submitted 9.47 million applications, an increase of 7 percent and 11 percent, respectively, from the 2022–23 cycle."

Read the article at and access the Common App report at

Decoding the Academy: A Roadmap for First-Generation College Students Through Graduate Education

"FirstGen Forward ... released a first-of-its-kind book examining the complex layers and intersecting dimensions of the experiences of first-generation college students in graduate school."

The book "examines first-person accounts and vignettes from twenty-nine (29) first-generation college graduate students to analyze the current landscape of the first-generation graduate student experience and provide recommendations for change for anyone seeking to improve support for these students."

Read the press release at and the monograph at

Most Community College Students Plan to Get 4-year Degrees. Few Actually Do.

"Community college is often touted as an affordable start for students who want to earn bachelor's degrees. Yet only 13% of community college students actually go on to earn degrees from four-year institutions within eight years, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education in 2023."

Read the article at

Do you have events, news, requests, or resources to share with college access colleagues?

IllinoisCAN monthly newsletters are intended to be for us and by us – professionals around the state working to move college access forward. For inclusion in the next newsletter, send content by September 30th to See the newsletter submission guidelines at

Find us on Facebook:
  • Like and Follow the Illinois College Access Network page
  • Join the IllinoisCAN Facebook group established for members to connect and collaborate
Share IllinoisCAN with colleagues as we expand to our statewide network.

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If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact the Illinois College Access Network by calling 847.831.6765 or by sending an e-mail message to